15 April 2022 In Business law, Legal support

Companies: a new dynamic business model with the involvement of Governance

Avere una visione chiara sull’assetto futuro di Governance dell’impresa è un elemento chiave per il successo del piano di sviluppo.

15 April 2022 In Business law, Legal support

The compliance program in international corporate groups

Quali sono i rischi e le azioni che è importante considerare per costruire un adeguato Programma di Legal Compliance all’interno di un’azienda? Proviamo a dare qualche suggerimento utile e pratico in questo articolo.

15 April 2022 In Advice, Legal support

The Business Plan: how it is built and how to use it

Continua il mio interessante percorso di contributi in collaborazione con 4C Legal, per offrire idee e strumenti alle imprese per organizzarsi meglio e sostenere lo sviluppo. Parliamo oggi del Business Plan avanzato.

15 April 2022 In Advice, Legal support

New risk prevention and management systems in organizational models 231: Covid-19

Impresa e Covid. Predisporre un piano aziendale per contrastare il contagio è un asset importante: ne va della salute dei dipendenti e consente all’impresa di operare in tutta sicurezza.

15 April 2022 In Advice, Legal support

The Business Plan for an internationalization project

Un’impresa che decide di investire all’estero necessita di preparazione e pianificazione adeguata, e lo strumento indispensabile per fare le scelte corrette e minimizzare i rischi è sicuramente un efficace Business Plan.

15 April 2022 In Advice, Legal support

Consulting professionals – Il Sole 24 Ore

L’Avv. Fausto De Angelis trova spazio sulla pagina “I professionisti della consulenza” inserto Lombardia de Il Sole 24 Ore con una descrizione delle competenze specialistiche e delle attività del suo Studio.


Enshrining Corporate Governance in Your Business Plan: the Lawyer Monthly Magazine interviews Avv. Fausto De Angelis

The strengthening of corporate governance has been identified as an important growth factor for businesses internationally. A greater focus on corporate governance has also been enshrined in recent legislation, particularly by the Italian government. We speak with Fausto de Angelis on why this aspect of business is crucial for entrepreneurs and how it can best be included as part of a company’s strategy.

5 March 2020 In Advice, Company law, Interviews

Corporate Compliance issues and how to avoid them: the Lawyer Monthly Magazine interviews Avv. Fausto De Angelis

The Lawyer Monthly Magazine interviews Avv. Fausto De Angelis on the growing risks that companies have to face daily and the best solutions to deal with them.

13 January 2020 In Advice, Business law, Legal support

Fausto De Angelis in charge of the new business internationalization office in AIME

The new sector for the internationalization of companies of the association, for which the lawyer Fausto De Angelis is responsible, was presented today, January 29, 2017, at AIME.