Avv. Fausto De Angelis new associated member of ICC Italia
A common goal, that is to help companies develop their business on an increasingly global market, providing them with the appropriate skills and tools to move correctly in an increasingly complex international regulatory framework. The ICC, acronym of International Chamber of Commerce based in Paris, is the largest organization in the world engaged in the creation of international trade policies for the benefit of over 45 million enterprises in more than 130 countries.
The ICC branch in Italy has recently welcomed Avv. Fausto De Angelis, who has so joined its community of entrepreneurs and professionals committed to work in the international business arena and to assist companies facing foreign markets.
With entry into ICC Italia, Avv. De Angelis intends to share his experience in Business Law with this new international context of entrepreneurs, contributing in the development of a “doing business” culture increasingly open to the challenges of the global competition.
We wish Avv. Fausto De Angelis a positive entry into a context of such great prestige and international recognition.